BNN’s Larry Berman’s Journey Beyond Abuse
It’s hard to imagine that life for Larry Berman, founder and Chief Investment Officer of ETF Capital Management and host of BNN’s...

ACCT Foundation 2017
Rita and I was at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Center last Friday November 17, 2017 with all the members of ACCT Foundation to watch the...

MDRT - Membership Infomation
Click on the letter to view PDF

Time is Essence
Respond Immediately! When you hear from me. You don't want the following situation happens to you! The presented case is one of my...

More Seniors retiring with debt
From insurance-journal.ca (original article is here) Enticed by historically low interest rates and easy credit, about one-quarter of...

The one time it makes sense to borrow to invest
Source: The Globe and Mail The Globe and Mail's Rob Carrick speaks with Talbot Stevens, speaker and author, about why a market crash is...

Surviving to Thriving
Article featuring Richard Y. Lee in the 2008 Round The Table magazine published by www.MDRT.org. Click image below to view PDF.